OCCD contributes to rehabilitation and support for the most vulnerable individuals or families affected by Natural Disaster, This time with the support of GNI-A, OCCD was able to help 45 Families affected by flood in Kohband District of Kapisa Province by providing them with:

- House rehabilitation materials (Doors, Windows, Wooden-beams, and Basic construction tools).
- Solar Powered Lamp Kits for HHs (high-efficiency solar panel + battery capable of 4 solar, bulbs, weather-resistant for sun and rain, AC charging options).
- Rehabilitation of a Small Bridge (Rehabilitation of a small bridge connecting communities with a school with more than 600 children, teachers, and school management, which is also used by more than 1900 community members for cross-movement across a seasonal river)

- Rapid Technical Assessment of Sustainable Water Source for the affected population (in coordination with the local government, the initial technical assessment will be conducted of a potential water pipe scheme for the flood-affected communities, which will make the basis for a possible future WASH program in the community).