The overall goal and objective of this project are, to reduce morbidity and mortality among the vulnerable population with the particular focus on pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 and improve access to PHC services of population living in hard-to-reach areas in selected districts of Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz and Baghlan provinces through 01 CHC+ 18 BHCs, 14 SHCs and 02 MHTs and provide referral service for emergency and trauma cease using the MHTs. The Health and Nutrtion services are delivered to 263,358 population in 4 target provinces. Under this project OCCD provides maternal and new-born health, child health, immunization, nutrition, communicable and non-communicable diseases treatment, mental health, basic trauma care and health promotion services. The project started on 1st June with support of WHO and will be completed on 25th December 2023.