The project aims to improve the inclusiveness, quality and relevance of adult literacy in non-formal education that is being provided to 4,305 youth and adults in three provinces (Bamyan: 1,755, Jawzjan: 1,500 & Kandahar: 1,050) (aged 15 and above) who have been excluded or left behind by formal education. Especial, it will increase to good quality well-managed accelerated basic general education and literacy courses delivered through community -based approach. The project would be implemented in 18 districts of three provinces (Bamyan: 6, Jawzjan: 5 and Kandahar:7) through the following activities: a) Establishment of 287 BGL centers (Bamyan:117, Jawajan:100 & Kandahar:70), b) Enrollment of 4,305 Learners (Bamyan: 1,755, Jawzjan: 1,500 & Kandahar: 1,050), c) Distribution of 4,326 TLM Bamyan: 1,762, Jawzjan: 1,506 & Kandahar: 1,058), d) Establishment of 150 Village Literacy Centers (VLC) ( 50 each province) and training their members, e) Provision of pre and in service training to the facilitators, DCMs and PCMs (Bamyan: 1,762, Jawzjan: 1,506 & Kandahar: 1,058), f) graduation of 4,305 learners and provision of cash incentives to these learners by UNESCO.
Bamyan, Jawzjan and Kandahar Project, UNESCO – Basic General Literacy (BGL)