OCCD supports trauma care units in 5 districts of Parwan and Kapisa provinces. Under this project OCCD provides trauma services in Najrab DH and Sherkhan Khil CHC+ in Kapisa and in Ciagerd CHC+, Lolange DH and Charikar provincial hospital in Parwan provinces. Through this project, OCCD improves the infrastructure of OTS and Triage areas, provision of regular medicine /medical supplies, medical/non-medical equipment, recruitment of additional staff to provide nursing care and psychosocial counselling service, strengthen the referral activities through the ambulance services in targeted HFs, buidling the staff capacity on BLS, PSS and IPC and will renovate and repairing the HFs. The project funded by UN-OCHA and implements by OCCD through the AHF fund.
Provision of emergency and lifesaving health services for conflict affected and vulnerable communities in Kapisa and Parwan provinces of Afghanistan