The project is funded by GNI-A, It’s aim is to improve conditions, resilience, and solidarity of targeted communities through integrated, inclusive, and sustainable development. through an integrated rural development approach. the direct beneficiaries include as many as 2500 Families.
Project Location(s): Kohband and Nejrab districts, Kapisa province, Afghanistan
Working Sectors:
- Health
- Water & Sanitation
- Advocacy
- Partnership/Networks
The project’s intended outcomes are:
- Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene improvements at the school level.
- School WASH Club establishment and hygiene promotion training.
- Distribution of 01 School hygiene kit.
- Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene improvements at the community level.
- Conduct of Hygiene Promotion training for community member’s community for two communities (240HHs)
- Household hygiene kits for the community for two communities (240 HHs)
- Health improvement – improved access to health services and improved capacities of health staff (support health facilities and communities including, building repairs, provision of pharmaceutical and equipment, capacity building of health care providers)