Under this project, OCCD manages nutrition and health service through 10 mobile nutrition and health team (MHNT). Teshkan, Shahr-e-Buzorg, Darayeem and Yemgan districts in Badakshan and Khenj, Rukha, Shutol, Paryan, Onaba and Dara in Panjsheer are under coverage of MHNT. Following the MHNT guideline, OCCD provides the full package of nutrition and health services and the capacity of health workers will be built by providing IMAM, IYCEF, MHPSS/PFA, EPI and other required trainings. The project funded by UN-OCHA through AHF and implements by OCCD.
Provision of lifesaving health and nutrition services to remote and isolated communities in priority district of Badakhshan and Panjsheer province